LLOYD is the leader and global expert in Levothyroxine.
Why trust the pioneer?
Levothyroxine for horses was introduced by LLOYD in 1965 as iodinated casein powder, Thyrone®, and was replaced with Thyro-L® in 1996. LLOYD developed the Levothyroxine Sodium Powder specification monograph for USP. It is the only (levothyroxine) USP powder available for horses.
How does Thyro-L® set a higher Standard - for Levothyroxine Sodium Powder for horses?
Only Thyro-L® meets the higher powder, USP standard for an oral pharmaceutical powder and can make this claim on the front mast of its label. Check the label of any other T4 powder product. You will see that it only contains Levothyroxine Sodium USP as a listed ingredient [Levothyroxine Sodium USP (0.22%)], which simply indicates a type of raw material.
Meeting the higher powder, USP standard is more difficult for a pharmaceutical blend to achieve. However, it is important because this higher USP standard provides more assurance that the accuracy of the T4 dose (scoop) is consistent for the horse each time it is administered.